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PANDEMIC GRIEVANCES: pandemic fatigue, long covid, grief, and depression

TUESDAY may 17th from 4-6pm MDT<3 on zoom!

three years into a pandemic that has taken countless lives and all we have seen from the guys in charge post lifted mask mandates is a diagnoses in the DSM named “prolonged grief disorder” as an attempt to contextualize and label our grief, give us a timeline, and pathologize an empathic response to something so globally traumatic and that which our culture is continually refusing to acknowledge . (wow longwinded sentence i hope this makes sense).

year three of a pandemic which has exposed the blatant disregard for immunocompromised, disabled, brown, black, indigenous, elder, and poor bodies. valuing the individual over community and collective care. subbing regard for life with eugenics-y harmful rhetorics and overly self centered arguments around “self care” and survival.

i was talking to a friend today about my recovery from long covid. i told her that i feel mostly normal now - but i think i still might feel some effects. what i do know is that i have experienced long term effects from the pandemic and everything it has contained including grief, the pandemic time warp, isolation, covid itself, and more.

in this class we will explore covid feels through both class discussion and teachings of plant.s and essences to help with the emotional, spiritual, and physical effects of the pandemic. we will cover long covid symptoms and treatment for more of the most common / minor-moderate symptoms (keeping in mind remedies work from person to person and to consult with a health care practitioner if symptoms such as pain, erratic heart beat, inability to breath, etc persist ). there are countless long covid symptoms and with omicron as the new variant and studies showing that 10-30% of folks with omicron are likely to develop long covid is concerning!

we will go deeply into the grief and depression of pandemic times. the stasis and continuation of isolation for some while others continue on “back to normal” etc. the dragging on of instability and not knowing. the paranoia of getting sick especially for folks who already experience chronic pain and illness.

recording will be available but keep in mind there may be some break out groups so the recording might not reflect the 2 hour class time.

keep in mind i will be on mountain time, not pacific standard time as usual!

sliding scale / pay what you can spots available / open to some trade : email me at to sign up this way<3

class is limited to 30/ ASL gladly available upon request 3 day notice required! zoom captioning provided.


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