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It’s Only Natural: Herbs 4 Queer Lives

march 22 2023 from 4-6pm (MDT) <3 on zoom!

its in our nature to be gay because nature is so inherently gay. this classes intention is to share some joyful and resilient herbal offerings to help strengthen connection to our queer bodies, spirits, selves. as we face violence in the dominant culture through healthcare, mental health, education systems, living life… herbs and essences offer us support in resiliency and strength to both fall apart and come back together in celebrated wholeness.

in this class we will cover:

  • herbs for gender / euphoria / dysphoria / in between places

  • herbs to support PTSD/trauma/mental health

  • herbs for protection, taking up space, and queer joy

just an fyi that we won’t go into physical HRT support so much in this class. we will be focusing mostly on the emotional/spiritual energetics and physical support in the mental health realm (ie, stress, anxiety, hyper vigilance , etc). as people oftentimes experiencing oppression, violence and marginalization we already share much folk-knowledge of our bodies and ways to survive from generations before and ahead. this class aims to remind us of our web of support from all kingdoms (animal, mineral, plant, stars) - and provide us with tools of connection.

class will be recorded & recording sent out

sliding scale / pay what you can : email me at . unfortunately i haven’t figured out how to add different prices on the site from $0-20 and how to organize emails for zoom links without having you email me. i apologize as i think it’s annoying to have to ask for a pay what you can class.

ASL gladly available upon request 5 day notice required! zoom captioning provided.



this class is a repeat from a class i hosted last may  - i feel compelled to offer it again as I see my queer community’s posts and reposts in response to everything thats happening in the so called US (and honestly around the world) , right now with anti-LGBQT esp trans legislation & gender essentialism. 

this class offering is a response to this complete and total BS in helping provide a container for both falling apart and accessing support + also building resiliency through gender affirming plant spirits, nervous system support, and more. 

February 14

Unyielding Love: heartbreak , grief, moving through loss, loneliness and building lasting connections with the animate world 

April 8

being with what is: learning and loving california native plants