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SPRING FEVER: remedies for the manic itch & winds of change

SPRING FEVER: remedies for the manic itch & winds of change

Sunday May 14th from 11am-1pm (MST) / online class on zoom

spring has sprung and the buzz is in the air. the winds of change come with a burst through the cold, damp, darkness of winter and deliver color, growth, and regeneration. It’s often bright and green with dynamic weather patterns and dynamic beauty. The energy of spring can be sudden and almost shocking to both the emotional and physical body. 

During Springtime I often find myself leaning heavily on herbal allies for grounding into this change. This seasonal shift can be equally inspiring and energizing as it can be irritating and destabilizing. Many body systems such as the liver and lymph are activated and adjusting to the seasonal changes while emotionally we move from the stillness, restfulness, and possible depression of winter into a more hyperactive energy of growth and inspiration. 

Oftentimes this reaction to change can manifest as mania, mood swings, anxiety, overwhelm, and stress which can lead to burnout or exhaustion. Focusing on nourishing nervous system herbs and grounding essences can help us navigate these inner stirrings. 

In this class we will explore herbs for balancing these extraordinary shifts in our inner and outer world. This class’ focus is mainly on mental health, manic or hyperactive tendencies, and herbal & essence guides for soothing, grounding, and channeling this energy. We will also talk about supporting body systems that tend to get irritated by springtime shifts such as the liver/digestion (think pollen allergies) and light lymph as a guide to help us go with the flow. 

Things to note:

*I am not a licensed mental health professional* 

*captioning is provided by zoom*

*ASL provided with 5 day notice*

*pay what you can spots available*

*recording will be available*


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